CCIN Members’ Update November 2018

  • 7th Nov 2018

Cllr Sharon Taylor OBE- Chair of the CCIN & Leader of Stevenage Borough CouncilCouncils across the country are reeling from the ongoing shortfalls in local government funding.  The Autumn Budget did nothing to help alleviate the difficult decisions we all face trying to deliver services to protect the most vulnerable in society.  Austerity has become the norm.

However, when I speak to our members and co-operative audiences, I remind them that there isn’t a challenge that society is facing to which a co-operative solution cannot be found. It’s therefore timely that we’ve opened up a new round of Policy Labs. We welcome proposals from all Members to bid for funding to develop projects which will tackle the challenges facing local government. Together we can build a better world.  Read more about how to get involved in the Policy Labs below.

I hope that you enjoy this edition of Update.

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