CCIN Members’ Update June 2019

  • 9th Jun 2019

Cllr Sharon Taylor OBE- Chair of the CCIN & Leader of Stevenage Borough CouncilEarlier this year I had the pleasure of meeting Councillor Muhammed Butt, Leader of Brent Council, at the Labour Local Government Conference in Coventry. And this month I am thrilled to welcome Brent as our 25th Co-operative Council. We are having other conversations with London Boroughs and I would hope to see more London Councils join us in the coming months. Our 25 Member Councils now represent 6.6m residents and a budget of £8.75 bn.

Our Annual Conference will be held in Rochdale on 2nd October. The theme is “Developing Co-operative Councils: Building Co-operative Places”.  I hope that many of you will come along and take the opportunity to Network and collaborate.  As is the norm, there are free places available to our Members. The Conference Booking site is now open.

A special thank you to everyone who submitted new Case Studies last month for the new edition of our Printed Pack, I’m looking forward to sharing it at next week’s Co-operative Party Local Government Conference in Newcastle.  Finally, don’t forget to vote in the ‘Co-operative Council of the Year’ Awards and to book your tickets for Co-operative Congress. I look forward to seeing you there.

I hope that you enjoy this edition of Update.

Best wishes


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