CCIN Members’ Update August 2019

  • 2nd Aug 2019

Cllr Sharon Taylor OBE- Chair of the CCIN & Leader of Stevenage Borough CouncilWe had another successful presence at the LGA Conference in Bournemouth last month, in what is proving to be the highlight of our Conference Calendar.  Membership has grown three-fold since launching our Associate and Affiliate Schemes at this event in 2017.  Our values and principles resonate with so many councils of all Parties as we seek to deliver services with ever-reducing budgets.  It was a pleasure to see so many Members use the CCIN stand as a base for conference activity.

Our Annual Conference is getting closer and I’m delighted to confirm that Andrew Gwynne MP – Shadow Secretary of State, Communities & Local Government has agreed to address delegates on 2nd October in Rochdale, tickets are going well so do book yours soon!

Finally, thank you to everyone who celebrated Cooperatives Fortnight.  We had a lot of fun in Stevenage during the two weeks.  One of the highlights was the launch of a Co-operative Youth Work Fund by Stevenage Youth Council.  See more in the ‘Video of the Month’ at the end of this month’s Update. 

Best wishes for a relaxing Summer.


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