Jonathan Bland, E3M – Time for Public Benefit Partnerships to improve Children’s Services

Jonathan Bland E3M

Jonathan Bland, Managing Director – Social Business International Ltd

Following the success of last month’s webinar to launch our ‘Procurement to Partnership’ online toolkit for commissioners, I am delighted to share with you news of our next event.

The E3M Public Benefit Partnerships for Children’s Services Webinar will be held on Thursday 8th July, 10.30-12.00. There is more information on the Events page but, in brief, I wanted to highlight how the partnership models we are showcasing can demonstrate alternative ways of developing service provision that provide both better services and better value for the public purse.

As well as learning about the Children’s Innovation Partnership created by Leicestershire County Council (LCC) and Barnardo’s, and Kibble’s unique approach to partnership, participants will be able to put questions to an expert panel, consisting of:

  • Julian Blake, Partner, Stone King
  • Kathy Evans, Chief Executive, Children England
  • Councillor Cordelia Law, Cabinet Member for Children’s Services, Torbay Council
  • Mark MacMillan, Director of Corporate Services, Kibble
  • Liz Perfect, Assistant Director, Barnardo’s (seconded from LCC)

Given the context of the Competition and Markets Authority’s current investigation into the high prices paid by local authorities and the inadequate supply of children’s placements, now is the time to look at co-operative and social enterprise models that can provide a clear alternative to commissioning profit/venture capital-driven businesses delivering children’s services. I hope lots of you will join us on 8th July.

Jonathan Bland

Managing Director

