2024 Case Studies Pack
- May 2024
One Bromley is a partnership of health and care services and the voluntary sector in the London Borough of Bromley. They wanted to co-produce an action plan with parents and carers of children and young people living with autism to improve their support and services.
What we did
Ideas Alliance facilitated a rapid-results, action-led innovation process using the framework of a ‘100 day challenge’, a methodology originally developed by the Rapid Results Institute. Parents, local providers, commissioners and staff from the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) and Council came together in a discovery workshop where they shared their insights together to identify the “stickiest” issue: training and autism awareness. They then formed a mixed team to work on solutions to the problem that could be achieved within the 100-day timeframe.
The 100-day challenge is a “sprint”: the idea is to spend far more time doing than talking. This is important both for achieving results quickly, but also because the act of doing in itself spurs further action as people see their own capacity to create real change.