Executive Oversight Committee
Terms of Reference and Member Representation
These terms of reference were adopted at a meeting of the Annual General Meeting on 16 February 2022.
The Executive Oversight Committee holds delegated powers to manage network affairs on behalf of all members.
This committee meets quarterly, either virtually or physically.
(a) Drive forward Co-operative Policy Development on behalf of network members.
(b) Oversee the day-to-day running of the Network.
(c) Set the budget framework on a 5-year cycle
(d) Make key decisions on Network priorities, for example, setting the scope of Policy Labs and Policy Prototypes.
(e) Determine if projects should be supported or not, based on the V&P’s recommendations, or return a proposed project to V&P for further consideration.
(f) Oversee the development, review, approval and implementation of the CCIN’s strategic direction.
(g) Raise the CCIN’s profile, developing our influence and strengthening our policy impact.
(h) Oversee the Network budget, allocate spending and sign off the CCIN’s annual accounts.
(i) Ensure that the Values and Principles Board is resourced and supported to carry out its functions.
(j) Manage the Network’s reputation, giving consideration to issues, including Member behaviour, which may impact the reputation of the CCIN.
(k) The terms of reference for the EOC will be reviewed every 2 years by a sub-group of the EOC and make recommendations to EOC.
Membership is made up of:
(a) a minimum of 6 and a maximum of 8 Representatives from the CCIN’s Full Membership
(b) 1 Representative from the Accountable Body (The Accountable Body oversees the CCIN’s budget, legal structure and procurement requirements)
(c) 1 Representative of the Associate Membership
(d) 1 Representative of the Affiliate Membership
(e) 1 Representative of the Values and Principles Board (non-voting)
Full details are set out in our Constitution.
Cllr Jim Robbins
Swindon Borough Council
Cllr Ernest Gibson
Cabinet Member for Climate Change & Area Management
South Tyneside Council
Cllr Sandra Barr
Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods and Cooperative Council
Stevenage Borough Council
Cllr Peter Bradbury
Cabinet Member for Tackling Poverty, Equality and Public Health (Tackling Poverty and Supporting Young People)
Cardiff Council
Cllr Barbara Brownridge
Oldham Council
Cllr Paul Cassidy
Vice-Convenor Environment and Regeneration
Inverclyde Council
John Fahy
Greenwich Coop Development Agency
Cllr Shanika Mahendran
Cabinet Member for Economy, Sustainability and Innovation
Milton Keynes City Council
Cllr Kelly Middleton
Cabinet member for Healthy, safer and stronger communities and partnerships
Telford & Wrekin Council
Cllr Sue Smith
Cabinet Member for Communities and Cooperation
Rochdale MBC
Cllr Mike Stubbs
Newcastle-U-Lyme Labour & Cooperative Group