The Finance and General Purposes (F&GP) Group is a Sub-Group of the Executive Oversight Committee of the Cooperative Councils’ Innovation Network.

The Executive Oversight Committee adopted the F&GP Group Terms of Reference at its meeting on 5 March 2024.

Nothing in these terms of reference shall prevent the EOC from dealing with a matter that this Group might otherwise deal with.

Purpose of the Group

To provide assurance to the Executive Oversight Committee (EOC) on the long-term financial sustainability of the CCIN through general supervision of the Network’s finances. This includes the principles of good practice in financial management, recommendations on investments, and assessment and monitoring of the financial plan.

Key Responsibilities

  1. To support the Accountable Body in devising systems and processes that meet the needs of the Network.
  2. To maintain oversight of the CCIN’s financial plans, highlighting risks and opportunities to the EOC.
  3. Making decisions and recommendations to assure long-term financial sustainability, including maintaining an overview of income against expected expenditure.
  4. To review and recommend the annual budget to the EOC.
  5. To support the Accountable Body in maintaining a Cashbook of income and expenditure.
  6. To support the Accountable Body in preparing the Annual Accounts and Financial statements and make recommendations to the EOC.
  7. To provide insight into key financial risks.
  8. To take any other such decisions as may be agreed from time to time.

Group Members

The group will consist of at least five people, including the Chair and Accountable Body Lead, with a quorum of 4 plus the Accountable Body Officer Lead.

  • Chair – Cllr Peter Bradbury – Vice Chair of the Execu=ve Oversight CommiCee | Cabinet Member for Tackling Poverty, Equalities & Public Health (Tackling Poverty & Supporting Young People)
  • Cllr Barbara Brownridge – Accountable Body Lead |Cabinet Member for Health and Adult Social Care, Oldham Council
  • Cllr Mili Patel – Deputy Leader, Brent Council
  • Cllr Mike Stubbs – Vice Chair of Values & Principles Board | Newcastle-under-Lyme Labour Group
  • Cllr Ruth Bennett – Deputy Leader & Cabinet member for Finance, Resources and Transformation, Liverpool City Council
  • Cllr Alistair Willoughby – Executive Member for Community and Partnerships, North Herts District Council
  • Jonathan Downs – Accountable Body Officer Lead | Corporate Policy Lead – Oldham Council
  • Nicola Huckerby – CCIN Operations Lead, will attend as required.

Chair Finance and General Purposes Group

Members Finance and General Purposes Group