The Values and Principles Board was initiated by the Executive Oversight Committee in 2012 and formally adopted by the membership at the Annual General Meeting in September 2013. It was revised at the Annual General Meeting on 16 February 2022.

Purpose and Terms of Reference of the Values and Principles Board (V&P)

The V&P reports to the EOC who have direct elected accountability for the running of the Network. The V&P are responsible for ensuring that the Network maintains its co-operative values and principles.
The Values and Principles Board will have overall responsibility for Values and Principles oversight within the Co-operative Councils’ Innovation Network. It is tasked with:

(i)  Making any necessary changes to the Values and Principles Statement arising out of changes made by the International Co-operative Alliance for ratification at the Annual General Meeting.
(ii)  Proposing other changes to the Values and Principles Statement or these Terms of Reference as it sees fit to the Annual General Meeting for approval.
(iii)  Scrutinising the activity of the Executive Oversight Committee to ensure that the Values and Principles statements are being upheld.
(iv)  Reviewing all membership applications and making recommendations for membership to the Executive Oversight Committee.
(v)  Maintaining coherence of the work and approach of Co-operative Councils Innovation Network and its members from the perspective of the Values and Principles Statement.
(vi)  Building and maintaining links between the Co-operative Councils’ Innovation Network, the wider Co-operative movement and unions.
(vii)  Seeking and facilitating active debate about what our values and principles look like in practice using insights gained from the work of the Co-operative Councils’ Innovation Network and its membership
(viii)  Raising concerns with the Co-operative Councils’ Innovation Network Executive Oversight Committee, if and when they arise, about any activities being developed under the Co- operative Councils’ Innovation Network banner if it is considered that they might bring into question the agreed Values and Principles Statement.

(A)  Before any matter is brought to the attention of the Executive Oversight Committee the V&P Board should ensure that the matter is not one that should be investigated elsewhere.
(B)  The CCIN is not an Appeals process for investigating local decisions. Only matters that directly relate to the work of the Network should be considered for investigation, and this should involve two or three members of the V&P Board.

(ix)  Raising concerns with the Co-operative Councils’ Innovation Network Executive Oversight Committee, if and when they arise, about any activity being undertaken by a member that could be deemed to be in contravention of the agreed Values and Principles Statement and might damage the integrity or reputation of the Co-operative Councils’ Innovation Network.

(A)  Before any matter is brought to the attention of the Executive Oversight Committee the V&P Board should ensure that the matter is not one that should be investigated elsewhere.
(B)  The CCIN is not an Appeals process for investigating local decisions. Only matters that directly relate to the work of the Network should be considered for investigation, and this should involve two or three members of the V&P Board.

The terms of reference for the V&P will be reviewed every 2 years by a sub-group of EOC and V&P and make recommendations to EOC.

The V&P have oversight of projects and make recommendations to the EOC. The Values & Principles Board will meet at least twice a year:

(i)  It will hold a formal meeting during Co-operative Congress.

(ii)  Throughout the rest of the year, it will convene as and when necessary by either teleconference or physical meeting to undertake its work as agreed by the Chair and Vice-Chairs.

Values and Principles Board Membership

Values and Principles Board Membership consists of

  1.  5 Full Member Representatives
  2.  5 Associate Member Representatives
  3. 3 Affiliate Member Representatives
  4. 5 Cooperative sector Representatives
  5. 1 Trade Union Representative

Full details are set out in our Constitution.

Chair of Values & Principles Board

Vice Chair of Values & Principles Board