Graeme McKechnie – Edinburgh’s Cooperative Capital Framework: Year Three Progress Report

Edinburgh’s Cooperative Capital initiative has recently provided an update on the significant progress achieved to date, including:

  • creation of 16 coops in the area including two social care cooperatives;
  • launch of a community solar energy share-offer;
  • citizens/service user influence is being evidenced in the design of community service; and
  • cultural change within the Council and in city partners is occurring aided by the Council’s decision of November 2014 to ‘mainstreaming coproduction across policy and strategy and in the design, delivery and review of services’ is taking place.

The report describes in detail progress achieved and also provides substantive case study material based upon the twin anchors of citizens influence (coproduction) and the operational and cultural changes taking place as a result. The framework will continue to focus upon putting citizen’s needs at the heart of service provision and making the operational changes required to enhance this approach across the City.

Further details can be provided by contacting Graeme McKechnie on
