2024 Case Studies Pack
- May 2024
Spreading Our Net originated with community health and social care staff in Eccles and Irlam (in Salford) highlighting that a key challenge for them was the loneliness experienced by many local people that they see.
Spreading Our Net initially ran for 12 months from October 2020 in Barton and Winton, near Eccles. The focus was on not creating anything new, but better connecting what is already there – especially community and local businesses, which are the mainstays of most people’s lives.
This was done, firstly, by scanning and networking in the neighbourhoods (‘wandering with purpose’). Work was then done to identify lonely people and their trusted contacts. To nurture a sustainable approach, local, organic networks were grown and made more complex through identifying and linking ‘connectors’, ‘mavens’ and ‘salespeople’ in the community and all sectors. In this way, the community offer was increased by developing sustainable routes to connect lonely people to community and activities.
Chris Dabbs
Chief Executive
Unlimited Potential