Consultancy Dynamic Purchasing System
Q: Who can access the CCIN’s DPS?
Q: What are the Terms and Conditions of the Contract and are they available for Local Authorities to send out when they launch a mini competition?
Q: As well as the common set of ‘Terms and Conditions’ that have been agreed by Suppliers, what else has been checked in order for Suppliers to become approved Suppliers?
Q: How much does it cost Local Authorities to access the DPS?
Q: When does the DPS go live?
Q: Is there a specific format for the mini competition that Local Authorities should follow?
Q: What sort of projects does the CCIN see the DPS being used for?
Q: Can Local Authorities make Direct Awards through the DPS?
Q: How do non-Chest users access the DPS? What’s the process for transferring the information from Chest to a local authority’s own procurement system?
Q: Are there any templates for Acceptance and Rejection letters including ‘detailing the relative advantages of the successful bid’?
Q: Is it possible for a Local Authority to undertake a ‘hybrid’ competition whereby it can ask DPS Suppliers to submit an Expression of Interest for a specific contact which will then go out to open tender?
Further assistance
Please refer any queries relating to the DPS that you are unable to resolve to: