Consultancy Dynamic Purchasing System
A: The multi-supplier DPS allows all CCIN Members and Associate Members (and the CCIN itself) to select from a specialist, prescribed pool of organisations to help in developing policy, implementing prototypes and building capacity, both in communities and inside the organisation.
A: These are available from Officer Leads at Member Councils. Copies are also available from Jonathan.Downs@oldham.gov.uk
A: Oldham Council as Accountable Body for the CCIN undertook a comprehensive Pre-Qualification Process, including finance checks, company background, insurance checks, previous technical and co-operative experience which was evaluated by Members of our Values & Principles Board.
A: There is no cost to CCIN Members and Associate Members to access the DPS and there is no charge levied by the CCIN. Access to the DPS is a Member Benefit.
A: The DPS runs from 1 April 2020 until 31 March 2025.
A: As long as Local Authorities are clear about how they are going to assess bids then it is fine to have a format which works for your LA.
A: There is no limit to type of work that a Supplier might be sought to deliver. The key thing is that using the Co-operative Values and Principles we are seeking to find new co-operative ways of working with partners and with communities, in order to do things differently across Local Government. Once Councils are using the DPS we would like to capture these examples as Case Studies which we can promote on the website so encourage other LAs to use it and some of the advantages from doing so.
A: No, all contracts are promoted as a mini competition.
A: We are not able to transfer the information/DPS system over to other procurement systems. If an authority does not use the Chest, they will have to set up the mini-competition manually.
A: No, authorities are able to use their own.
A: Yes, as long the process is open, fair and transparent.
Please refer any queries relating to the DPS that you are unable to resolve to: