Voting Closes – Noon, Friday 27th September.

Every two years, we hold elections for places in our Governance: Terms of Reference and Constitution
We have two candidates for the one vacancy of Executive Oversight Committee Affiliate Representative.  The Candidates are:
  • Jonathan Bland – E3M/SBI
  • John Fahy – Greenwich Cooperative Development Agency

You are invited to vote for your preferred Candidate.  

Read the Candidate Statements below.

The Ballot form was sent by email to the Affiliate Member Lead.  The Affiliate Member list can be found here:

Each Affiliate Member is asked to submit their completed ballot paper and email it to [email protected] by noon on Friday, 27th September 2024.  

Jonathan Bland, E3M/SBI

Jonathan Bland E3M

Statement from Jonathan Bland

I believe that co-operatives and wider social economy models of business are powerful tools to improve the lives of people and communities. My career has been dedicated to supporting the growth of the social economy in the UK and in Europe, promoting and supporting co-operatives and social enterprises. This has included working in local co-operative development agencies, the Valencian Federation of Worker Co-operatives in Spain, Social Enterprise UK, advising the European Commission and now at Social Business International running the E3M initiative (

As the current EOC member representing affiliate members, I have aimed to bring a wider perspective to EOC decision making alongside the committee members from local councils and to encourage the network to involve the affiliate members as a valuable resource.

Affiliate members play an important role supporting CCIN councils with Policy Labs and Prototypes and in undertaking specific pieces of work for the network. With the growth in the number of affiliates, with their wide range of skills, experience and expertise, I believe there is scope for affiliate members to do more, especially with the new Government’s commitment to doubling the size of the Co-operative sector.

 I think there could also be greater opportunities for networking among affiliate members and for engaging with CCIN officers and senior council thinkers about the challenges they face and the support they need.

I would welcome your support to continue as your representative on the EOC as CCIN moves forward into a new phase.

John Fahy, Greenwich Cooperative Development Agency

Statement From John Fahy

I am seeking your support for the Executive Oversight Committee.

I have been involved in CCIN for a number of years. More recently both as a member of the Values and Principles Board and Chair for a short period of time. I am seeking your support for this important role to help the organisation to continue its significant role which has grown in strength over many years.

I am currently Chair of Greenwich Cooperative Development Agency Board, and a Board Member of Greenwich & Bexley Credit Union. Both organisations have been trailblazers in shaping the local agenda promoting the values of the Cooperative movement. 

Local Government is facing unprecedented financial challenges, the support given by affiliated organisations through CCIN and local initiatives is critical. Community Wealth Building is an important route to support local communities. 

The contribution that Affiliates bring to CCIN is self evident and the local support available is a driving force for radical change in every corner of the country

I believe that my long experience will help to help CCIN to continue to be the drivers of change so important in the existing climate.