Event Summary

About the event


Draft Programme

2022 October 10th

09:30 Reception at OTALORA, MONDRAGON’s Management and Cooperative Development Centre, at Aozaraza neighbourhood, town of Aretxabaleta.

09:35 MONDRAGON introductory video.

09:50 Presentation on the history and current situation of the MONDRAGON Co-operative Experience.


11:30 Continuation with the presentation on the history and current situation of the MONDRAGON Co-operative Experience.

13:30 Lunch at OTALORA.

15:30 Visit to an industrial cooperative.

17:00 End of the first day.


2022 October 11th

09:30 Visit to a cooperative technological research centre.

                 Transfer to OTALORA and Coffee.

11:30 Meeting with a worker member of a MONDRAGON cooperative.

13:30 Lunch at OTALORA.

15:30 Visit to MONDRAGON UNIVERSITY, a cooperative university.

17:00 End of the program.

For further information contact: