Event Summary
- Date 21/05/15
- Time 12:00
- Location Local Government Association
About the event
Performance management framework project
Scoping Workshop – 21 May 2015, 12-4pm, Room 3.2, LGA
This workshop will bring together a number of stakeholders in cooperative councils to make progress towards developing a performance management framework for cooperative councils.
Aims of the Project
- To develop a set of indicators that Cooperative Councils can use to gather evidence about the impact of a cooperative approach
- To jointly commission data collection methods that enable Cooperative Councils to share the costs of developing a new performance framework
- To collaborate and share data to measure and improve performance
Purpose of the workshop
- To agree a basket of high level measures to be further tested and developed
- To agree which councils want to pilot the approach
- To agree which external organisations to invite to an expert working group
- To agree in principle to jointly commission a residents survey
- To agree next steps, including discussion at the next CCIN conference and approval from Executive Oversight Committee
Issues and challenges
What do we want to measure?
Task: To develop a core basket of measures.
- Do we have a shared vision of the end in mind? How do we want our citizens to feel? How do we want our places to be different? What matters most?
- Do we agree what is distinctive about being a cooperative council? Commitment to positive social change through social action? Is the place well led? Is there a sense of shared purpose? Do people feel they have a stake in the place?
How can we measure the things that matter to us?
Task: To develop a robust, innovative and dynamic methodology
- How do we move away from measuring what we can (process) to measuring what matters (outcomes)? How do we balance difference kinds of measures – perceptions, behaviour, social and economic outcomes? How do we use measures of wellbeing and happiness?
- How do create a basket of measures that gives us both intelligence and insight. How do we create dynamic tools that give us real time tracking? How do we create rich data we can interrogate and understand?
- How can we best use perceptions measures? How do we understand the way perceptions are formed and what influences them?
- Do we have/can we create an explict and testable theory of change about what factors influence the outcomes we want to achieve? How do we develop “lead indicators” that can predict future success? How do we avoid over-emphasis on measures which pervert behaviour and encourage gaming. How do we achieve a balance of measures? How do we measure sustainable, long term change?
- What opportunities are there to do things differently? How can we use social media and new digital tools to gather data from our citizens? What benefits do these tools offer?
- How can we share data with each other and with our citizens?
Who should be involved?
Task: Recruiting a working group of partners
9. How can we collaborate and innovate? How can we involve a range of different perspectives in our project? How do we involve small, local organisations as well as the major national players?
10. Who are councils currently working with?
11. What expertise do we need to involve? Who can help us answer our key questions above?