CCIN Published Policy Lab and Policy Prototype Projects
Policy Labs & Policy Prototypes
CCIN members are encouraged to suggest projects where they can work with other members to find cooperative policy solutions to the challenges facing local government. We are open to all ideas; the more innovative, the better!
The CCIN work programme is member-led and owned by putting you, our network members, firmly in the driving seat. We are inviting you to propose work areas that you want the CCIN to focus on over the next 12 months. This could be anything from cooperative housing commissions to initiatives that put communities back at the heart of local decision-making.
The CCIN work programme is divided into larger projects (called Policy Labs) and smaller projects (called Policy Prototypes). Policy Labs are bigger collaborative pieces of work that CCIN members will work on together. Policy Labs form the foundation of the CCIN’s annual work programme, with potential thematic areas set by the EOC. Policy Prototypes are smaller projects that members may want to deliver in their locality on behalf of the network. This could be anything from delivering a new cooperative campaign to developing a cooperative app that helps residents access services differently.
Round 7 – (2024) It was agreed to fund three Policy Labs and five Policy Prototypes. It was agreed to fund all the submissions.
Round 6 – (2023) It was agreed to fund four Policy Labs, including a Study Visit to Emilia-Romagna and five Policy Prototypes.
Round 5 – (2022) It was agreed to fund all of the submissions and to welcome a formal bid from Power to Change and Kirklees for a Councils’ Cooperative Development Toolkit – which would be match-funded by Power to Change.
Round 4 – (2021) Seven Policy Lab Bids and seven Policy Prototype Bids were submitted for consideration. It was agreed to fund all of the submissions, including a Study Visit to Mondragon.
Round 3 – (2020) Thirteen bids were submitted for consideration. It was agreed to fund all 13 Policy Prototypes.
Round 2 – (2019) Ten bids were submitted at the end of 2018 for consideration. It was agreed to fund four.
Round 1 – (2016-8) The CCIN funded a range of Policy Labs and Policy Prototypes (smaller projects attracting up to £1500 of funding).