CCIN Members’ Update April 2020

  • 8th Apr 2020

Cllr Sharon Taylor OBE- Chair of the CCIN & Leader of Stevenage Borough Council

Cllr Sharon Taylor OBE – Chair of the CCIN & Leader of Stevenage Borough Council

These are unprecedented times.  In a matter of weeks, we have become a country of self-isolators and self-distancers, wary of everyone we come into contact with.  We all owe a debt of gratitude to our colleagues working on the front line, as they risk their health to help others.  However, there is co-operation amidst this crisis, the world has united against COVID-19. 

Emergency planning and briefings have become a part of daily life as we seek to deliver services to all of our communities but particularly the most vulnerable.  Now, more than ever, our communities are looking to local councils, and to one another, to provide the support and guidance they need in order to protect the elderly, vulnerable, carers and those on the edges of society.  Officers and members are working to translate the daily updates on government policy so that financial support and humanitarian aid reaches those that need it, as quickly as possible.  Most of us are already starting to think about the Recovery phase from the pandemic.  My fervent hope is that the great spirit that has been generated will lead to co-operative solutions being a real part of the way forward for businesses, local authorities, organisations and communities.

Life, as we knew it, will never be the same again.  We will unite, collaborate and use our Values & Principles to fight this pandemic.
Stay safe and look after each other.

Best wishes


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