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CCIN Members’ Update August 2020
- 3rd Aug 2020
Unsurprisingly the CCIN’s Strategy and Action Plan has been affected as we respond to the Covid-19 crisis, safeguarding our citizens and protecting our local economies as we all move towards a ‘new normal’. Our Executive Oversight Committee met in July and agreed to fund a new Policy Lab to draw together a set of case studies and an action-learning set to articulate how Co-operative Values & Principles have underpinned Member response and recovery efforts to Covid-19.
Led by the Officer Network, we want to record and capture the ways in which Co-operative Councils have responded to the crisis and evidence these in a report to be launched at our National Conference in early October. We’d like all members to take part and the call for Expressions of Interest to get involved is now open. Read more below.
This year we have already launched our proposal to increase the size of the co-operative economy and held a transatlantic conference on volunteering. Members are currently engaged on Policy Labs on community asset transfer, co-operative solutions to sustainable food, community engagement and we’re making progress with our ‘Social Outcomes’ project funded by Peopletoo. In addition, eight councils are working through over a dozen Policy Prototypes recording co-operative solutions to the current health and social care crisis. In Spring 2021 we will publish one major policy and resource publication on the “Co-operative Difference in Care“. This month we’re asking you what topics you want to explore in 2021, so together we can develop innovative approaches to issues facing local government today. Cllr Clare Penny-Evans’ blog looks at efforts to #BuildingBackGreener after Covid-19 which may give you some ideas!
The latest membership figures for the Network are:
Full Members – 32 members
Associate Members – 17 members
Affiliate Members – 26 members
Supporters – 9
Finally, I’m delighted to welcome Torbay Council as our third Member Council in the South West, joining Bristol and Plymouth. Torbay is led by a Liberal Democrat and Independent Partnership. Here we share Cllr Steve Darling’s and Cllr Darren Cowell’s insights as to why they have joined.
I hope that you enjoy this Member Update.
Stay safe and look after each other.
Best wishes