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CCIN Members’ Update February 2020
- 4th Feb 2020
2020 has got off to a Flying Start. We’ve agreed to fund 13 Policy Prototypes in Health and Social Care with councils across the country working on innovative co-operative ideas that could really make a difference to how these services are delivered. We’ve also commissioned the Co-operative College, to develop an Induction Plan available to new and existing Members. This relationship will give our work programme academic rigour and global co-operative status.In this edition we’re also launching the Cooperative Council of the Year Awards – so get ready to submit your application!
We really want to see more of you in 2020 so we’re announcing the venue of October’s National Conference early so you can get it in you diary.
This month we welcome SIX new Members – Barking and Dagenham join as full Members, Billingham and Burntwood Town Councils join as Associate Members, and Power to Change, Social Value Exchange and the Workers Educational Association join as Affiliate Members. This brings our membership numbers to 27 Full Councils, 17 Associate Members, 21 Affiliate Members and 3 Supporters.
I hope you enjoy this edition of Update.
Best wishes