Policy Labs and Policy Prototypes 2022 – Process Guide


The CCIN work programme is divided into larger projects (called Policy Labs) and smaller projects (called Policy Prototypes). Policy Labs are bigger collaborative pieces of work that CCIN members will work on together. Policy Labs form the foundation of the CCIN’s annual work programme, with potential thematic areas set by the EOC. Policy Prototypes are smaller projects that members may want to deliver in their locality on behalf of the network. This could be anything from delivering a new co-operative campaign, to developing a co-operative app that helps residents’ access services differently.

In 2022 the EOC has allocated £75,000 to fund potential Policy Labs and Policy Prototypes.

Policy Labs are allocated between £10k – £20k, dependent on their scale and ambition. This funding supports research, collaboration and implementation of co-operative initiatives that involve multiple Network members.

Policy Prototypes are allocated between £1k – £2k, contributing to smaller projects at a local level.

This work is incredibly valuable for our members, allowing us to share best practice on a national footprint, collaborate with like-minded local authorities and partners, and work together to solve some of the complex problems facing local government and the communities we represent.