Turning Strategic Plans into Art

  • 7th Jan 2025


The project aimed to make the Inverclyde Council Plan 2023/28 and the Inverclyde Alliance Partnership Plan 2023/33 more accessible to people for whom English is not their first language and those who do not have a high level of literacy and to support young people’s engagement with the documents.

Inverclyde Council Plan 2023/28

The Inverclyde Council Plan 2023/28 sets out the vision for the Council as a whole and the ways in which we hope to improve the lives of and deliver better outcomes for the people of Inverclyde. In striving to deliver this strategic Plan, and by working with our Inverclyde Alliance Partners, the Council will aim to achieve the vision of: Success for all – Getting it right for every child, citizen and community.

The Council Plan 2023/28 focuses on three Themes:

• Theme 1: People

• Theme 2: Place

• Theme 3: Performance

At its heart, the Council Plan 2023/28 aims to ensure that Inverclyde Council is a dynamic service provider, able to respond to the needs of all our communities and one that plays its part actively as part of public life, locally and nationally. The Council Plan 2023/28 aligns with and supports the Inverclyde Alliance Partnership Plan 2023/33, ensuring that Partners work together to create conditions that promote success for all and address inequalities.

Inverclyde Alliance Partnership Plan 2023/33

The Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015 placed a legal duty on Community Planning Partners to demonstrate that they are significantly improving their residents’ lives through the planning and delivery of local outcomes and the involvement of community bodies at all stages of community planning.

The Inverclyde Alliance is the local Community Planning Partnership, which includes CVS Inverclyde, the Department for Work and Pensions, Inverclyde Council, NatureScot, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, Police Scotland, River Clyde Homes, Scottish Enterprise, the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, Skills Development Scotland, Strathclyde Partnership for Transport, and West College Scotland.

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